Scandinavian Outdoor experiences

Our customers' experiences of the Scandinavian Outdoor online store and products.


Very good expérience everything d'as perfect Thank you
Verified buyer

Verified buyer

During the experience I had there was nothing to fault with an excellent, easy and efficient process throughout.
Verified buyer

Som dansk tycka jag att det är bra att ha ett alternativ till svenska, danska websites. Också bra att ni har finske produkter, som inte finns i Danmark. Jag köpte en Martiini mef8 folding knife, som jag inte kunna hitta i Danmark . Komma att bruka SO i framtiden
Verified buyer

Snabb och bra leverans då varorna inte finns på närmare håll. Tack för bra service ◽
Verified buyer

Keep up the good work!
Verified buyer

I have no suggestions for you. I am very satisfied.
Verified buyer

Everything ok!
Verified buyer

You did great job with your service. Keep doing like this in the futurę◽
Verified buyer

bra att ni har ett sortiment med bred läst
Verified buyer

I really like the product decription as it helped me to understand what type of gear is it and the reviews were also really helpful. It seems like your page has more "insightful" product descriptions... Läs mera
Verified buyer

Since I'm tall, it would be nice if it was easier to filter out long clothes and have the exact length listed for them
Verified buyer

Allt var helt ok. Bor i södra Sverige men leveranstiden var inte längre än om det varit nästgårds. Full information om leveransen hela tiden. Återkommer definitivt! //Mats
Verified buyer

Inget att klaga på. Köp o leverans fungerade utan problem.
Verified buyer

Stay as you are. I am very satisfied with Scandinavian Outdoor. The support is great, everything did go well. I will always visit SO and shop there. And of course I will recommend SO. Until the next time I wish you all the very best. Stay as you are & everything will be fine.......boris
Verified buyer

Lite för hög ribba för fraktfritt.
Verified buyer

Jag kunde inte lägga in rabattkoden i beställningen, men fick jättefin hjälp att fixa det när jag mailade. ◽
Verified buyer

För mig som är en "sällan" kund, var det klart godkänt.
Verified buyer

In my opinion you don't have to improve your service. Everything went very well.
Verified buyer

I love outdoors wear and your site is awesome. Great quality great selection at great prices.
Verified buyer

Great service and competitive pricing. I will definitely consider Scandinavian Outdoors for future needs. As far as I am concerned all was great ..
Verified buyer

I was very satisfied with the minimal packaging you used. This is the first company I've come across with minimal packaging. fact that it is recyclable was a bonus. Very eco conscious. Thank you.
Verified buyer

Great service
Verified buyer

Jag är jättenöjd! Allt gick smidigt.
Verified buyer

Tack för bra service
Verified buyer

För mej fungerade det perfekt, så jag kan inte tycka att något ska förändras!
Verified buyer

Keep up the good work, thanks!
Verified buyer

Nice shop
Verified buyer

Superb service, good prices, excellent range of products. Certainly different from Sites in USA
Verified buyer

Något mer leveransalternativ och snabbare behandling från order till sändning.
Verified buyer

Tack för bra service!
Verified buyer

Inget att förbättra
Verified buyer

Very easy and flowing process!
Verified buyer

Snabb och bra service !
Verified buyer

Snabbare leveranstid till Sverige. Gratis fraktalternativ. Betalning med American Express.
Verified buyer

Allt var bra, tack.
Verified buyer

Nothing to improve on. First class service. Thank you
Verified buyer

Saknar möjligheten att få leverans av Instabox eller Budbee
Verified buyer

No complaints, happy customer
Verified buyer

I don't know. Your website is allright. but I'm very pleased about my item.
Verified buyer

Perfect experience in all means, nothing to improve I think. Very pleased and satisfied by your service and online shop.
Verified buyer

Jättebra pris och fin produkt
Verified buyer

It was perfect. I Will order more in the future!
Verified buyer

Nice website layout, very fast preparation and shipping of the package. I'm a happy customer :)
Verified buyer

Bra grejor och bra leverans
Verified buyer

No suggestions. I was extremely impressed with the level of customer service and the speed of response to emails and web chats
Verified buyer

Nöjd med köp och snabb leverans.
Verified buyer

Good and useful website
Verified buyer

Mer detaljerad beskrivning/information på en del av era produkter.
Verified buyer

Ja, det blir svårt när det redan är så bra.
Verified buyer

Everything was perfect! Fast delivery and the possibilty for payment with Klarna makes happy
Verified buyer

Bra och snabb leverans
Verified buyer

Your website is very user friendly, I wouldn't change a thing :)
Verified buyer

great shop!!!
Verified buyer

No problem with the service great service fast delivery
Verified buyer

Hi guys, fantastic service and great product at a great price, keep up the good work!
Verified buyer

För mig var allt bra
Verified buyer

Excellent service, fast shipping to the US. Great product range
Verified buyer

Thought it was all very good
Verified buyer

Jag är mycket nöjd trots att leveransen av Fjällrävens long parka tog 14 dagar. Desto snabbare gick försändelsen med Fjällrävens ryggsäck/väska. /Matsåke
Verified buyer

Everything was fine, thank you.
Verified buyer

Fick vänta 4 dagar utöver vad som lovats vad gäller leverans
Verified buyer

Great job guys ◽◽
Verified buyer

Snabb o bra service,tack
Verified buyer

Perfect service!
Verified buyer

Website and orderproces were very easy. Especially with Klarna. AND the product was very good priced!!! Keep up the good work, I will return, Elvin
Verified buyer

Allt var bra.
Verified buyer

Allt var bra
Verified buyer

Redan väldigt bra!
Verified buyer

Not at all, easy online shopping and very prompt delivery (also love the RePack option!!)
Verified buyer

Snabb leverans
Verified buyer

Mycket prisvärt och snabb hantering g hela vägen.
Verified buyer

Snabb leverans
Verified buyer

Honestly I wasn't sure if it's a good decision to order in a different country. Especially if it's something that important like a backpack you will probably travel with for a couple of years (like I... Läs mera
Verified buyer

Really impressed with the service. I've already recommended to my Irish friends. Delivery was super efficient, and that was even factoring in New Years holidays. Great range of quality goods and very competitive prices
Verified buyer

Faster response time when setting filtering options
Verified buyer

Postage costs were a little high but it was to UK so I understood. Great communications from your team and also clarifying the addtional charges that would be incurred to confirm if I wanted to proceed, was great. Thany you
Verified buyer

Tycker ni ska bara fortsätta som ni redan gör. Anser att det är kundvänligt och lätt att förstå för att göra en rätt beställning av vara från er. Mvh Kenneth
Verified buyer

Bra service, bra med miljövänlig förpackning och leverans.
Verified buyer

I had a little problem to place voucher. When i placed it and went to next step, it wasnt count. But when I repeat it, than it was ok
Verified buyer

Bra service, bra med miljövänlig förpackning och leverans.
Verified buyer

Bra och trevlig sida med ett bra utbud av produkter riktade mot Outdoor Living.
Verified buyer

Bra och trevlig sida med ett bra utbud av produkter riktade mot Outdoor Living.
Verified buyer

All ◽
Verified buyer

Keep up the good work! Youe are great!!!
Verified buyer

Trank You
Verified buyer

Everything is perfect ◽
Verified buyer

Hittar inte "allt" på Scandinavian Outdoor, kan behöva komplettera med Partiokauppa och andra motsvarande ställen.
Verified buyer

Dont change ! it was a perfect experience,
Verified buyer

was extremely useful and fast!
Verified buyer

Jag tycker att det fungerade bra, endast färgen på produkten i bekräftelsen var missvisande. Jag beställde gröna stövlar men i bekräftelsen var dom röda så att det var lite ångestladdat väntan vilken färg som kommer.
Verified buyer

Ni skulle kunna ha att man kan se pris i SEK, skulle förenkla för många.
Verified buyer

Ni jobbar toppenbra!!!
Verified buyer

Jag tycker att det fungerade bra, endast färgen på produkten i bekräftelsen var missvisande. Jag beställde gröna stövlar men i bekräftelsen var dom röda så att det var lite ångestladdat väntan vilken färg som kommer.
Verified buyer

Ni jobbar toppenbra!!!
Verified buyer

Vet ej
Verified buyer

Gillade verkligen att man kan beställa med RE:Pack och att kundtjänsten svarade så snabbt på min kontakt. Jag var lite osäker på vilket språk jag skulle använda när jag kontaktade kundtjänsten, det kunde kanske framgå vilka språk som är gångbara?
Verified buyer

Shopping on a is always a pleasant experience with great deals and amazing brands to choose - great work ScandinavianOutdoor :)
Verified buyer

Gillade verkligen att man kan beställa med RE:Pack och att kundtjänsten svarade så snabbt på min kontakt. Jag var lite osäker på vilket språk jag skulle använda när jag kontaktade kundtjänsten, det kunde kanske framgå vilka språk som är gångbara?
Verified buyer

Make it clear earlier in the order process that free delivery is to a GLS pick up point and not invoice/home address.
Verified buyer

Föredömligt nog är ni redan anslutna till KLARNA vilket är största anledningen till att jag handlar av er då betalnings trygghet är halva köpet när man handlar online. Mycket nöjd med detta. Ni har... Läs mera
Verified buyer

Bra priser på produkterna och snabb leverans, bra information om produkterna gjorde det enkelt att fatta beslut om vd man ville ha
Verified buyer

Bra priser på produkterna och snabb leverans, bra information om produkterna gjorde det enkelt att fatta beslut om vd man ville ha
Verified buyer

I wish you had a larger selection to choose from, but I am a happy customer. My experience with your customer service was also impressive. Lauri was very efficient, friendly and helpful.
Verified buyer

Föredömligt nog är ni redan anslutna till KLARNA vilket är största anledningen till att jag handlar av er då betalnings trygghet är halva köpet när man handlar online. Mycket nöjd med detta. Ni har... Läs mera
Verified buyer

All was OK
Verified buyer

Thank you for order teamwork very happy! I was wrong size order,they changed quickly!!! Answering, I'm very THANKFULLY!!!.
Verified buyer

It would be nice if you accepted ESTO as a payment method
Verified buyer

My only comment is that you should add filter of function (I.e. - in bags for example separate between urban, hiking, biking and so on). Thanks, Rami
Verified buyer

for some products the description was not sufficient
Verified buyer

Making sure the correct sizing guides for countries are available to veiw. When I emailed the company, it was responded to within 24-48 hours and their was great. Sending the appropriate information,... Läs mera
Verified buyer

Great service
Verified buyer

Maybe reward points for shopping at the store?
Verified buyer

Lättare att söka på kön och storlekar på alla alternativ. Finns inte med på outlet sidan
Verified buyer

You might think of including accessories and roof tents for cars in your choices, many people are more and more of the idea of ​​camperising their vehicle
Verified buyer

Lättare att söka på kön och storlekar på alla alternativ. Finns inte med på outlet sidan
Verified buyer

Easier shipping to USA. For items with multiple colors- link them
Verified buyer

Keep up your high standards ◽
Verified buyer

Your service is excellent
Verified buyer

Jag tycker mycket om er webbutik och har handlat där flera gånger efter att jag blev tipsad från scouterna. Mitt enda klagomål är att det inte går att använda klarna fast det står att ni erbjuder den tjänsten då man beställer till åland.
Verified buyer

Jag tycker mycket om er webbutik och har handlat där flera gånger efter att jag blev tipsad från scouterna. Mitt enda klagomål är att det inte går att använda klarna fast det står att ni erbjuder den tjänsten då man beställer till åland.
Verified buyer

Great service, I always would order from here if it's the best option price/shipping
Verified buyer

I found what I was looking for (Savotta bags and addons) so it was perfect for me :)
Verified buyer

As you probably noticed my 2. Haglöfs product in a very short period of time means I love your products especially your Club prices. These deals as a retiree I can afford but not the original... Läs mera
Verified buyer

Jag skulle gärna vilja ha mer info om leveransalternativen innan beställning.
Verified buyer

Jag tycker mycket om er webbutik och har handlat där flera gånger efter att jag blev tipsad från scouterna. Mitt enda klagomål är att det inte går att använda klarna fast det står att ni erbjuder den tjänsten då man beställer till åland.
Verified buyer

Nothing. Go on
Verified buyer

Blev besviken då jag efter att jag beställt fick ett meddelande att produkten inte finns i lager. Observerade inte det då jag gjorde beställningen och jackan var tänkt som en gåva.
Verified buyer

I would love to see a store in the U.S.!
Verified buyer

Jag är överlag mycket nöjd med den service jag fått av er firma. Beställningen enkel, information om produkten tillfräcklig. Snabb leverans.
Verified buyer

Jag är överlag mycket nöjd med den service jag fått av er firma. Beställningen enkel, information om produkten tillfräcklig. Snabb leverans.
Verified buyer

Jättebra skor!
Verified buyer

Jättefina skor!
Verified buyer

Good service, as always. Clearly customer-oriented attitude. Thnx.
Verified buyer

Verified buyer

I am very satisfied with this company. The site was clear and the price competitive. The tent was neatly packed and completely as expected. Delivery was faster than expected. Within 7 days in the Netherlands. They're doing fine now. Jannes
Verified buyer

Quick and easy.
Verified buyer

Enkelt att beställa och tydlig info när jag ville returnera en del av beställningen.
Verified buyer

Absolutely brilliant choice of fantastic quality outdoor clothing. Really good website with lots of information on the products and sizes which was so helpful. Will definitely recommend and use again.
Verified buyer

Fast shipping, attractive prices, goods as described.
Verified buyer

Very reasonably priced, delivered in good time. I’m delighted to find such a good online shop for outdoors gear, and I’ll use it again.
Verified buyer

Good price and fast shipping
Verified buyer

Excellent service and speedy delivery to the US. Will purchase more items from you.
Verified buyer

Ordering & delivery perfect, nice sale price.
Verified buyer

Shopping was convenient, the shipment arrived quickly. I will certainly buy from you again. Best regards, Aleksander
Verified buyer

The Fjellreven trouse was in a bag opened by someone before, and it was some minor dirt markes on one of the legs, but I decide to keep it.
Verified buyer

nice shopping, friendly website, excellent service
Verified buyer

Kaikki hyvä. Kiitos. Love the anorak; approve of the shipping solution. Fast, easy, and exactly what I expected.
Verified buyer

Simple checkout and many payment choices. Fast delivery
Verified buyer

Excellent service and value .
Verified buyer

The requirement to download the Budbee app should be clearer and instructions on how their service works would help first tome users greatly.
Verified buyer

Great place to buy gear. Fast shipping! Greatly recommended!
Verified buyer

Hej, Jag har fått jättebra service. Tacksam över att jag kan handla momsfritt till Åland.
Verified buyer

Hej, Jag har fått jättebra service. Tacksam över att jag kan handla momsfritt till Åland.
Verified buyer

Many thanks, surprisingly good experience so far considering distances and local differences. Best wishes!
Verified buyer

excellent service, fast shipping Just not satisfied with the packaging!
Verified buyer

Great and fast service!
Verified buyer

Fantastic service, good information on postage, fast and efficient.
Verified buyer

Keep on :-)
Verified buyer

Great service and great discounts for scouts!
Verified buyer

Very satisfied as a buyer. Will come back for more purchases. Everything is simple and clear. Would recommend this shop to anyone who is looking for a high quality goods at affordable price and an outstanding service. Tanja.
Verified buyer

Low prices with timely shipping
Verified buyer

It's so good and reliable shop, with good selection, great prices and awsome customer service, that next time I need some outdoor item, I will check here first! Thank you! *****
Verified buyer

Amazing prices and extremely fast shipping! Thank you!!
Verified buyer

Fast order processing. Excellent packaging and prompt delivery. Thank you.
Verified buyer

I am thrilled with my purchase! This was much cheaper than all the other sites I found.
Verified buyer

Perfect. Fast shipping too
Verified buyer

Friendly and efficient staff experience in both customer service and the returns department, would not hesitate to recommend this company to friends and family.Thank you.
Verified buyer

Everything was perfekt!
Verified buyer

Great job and quick delivery from Europe.
Verified buyer

Great service!
Verified buyer

Quick delievery
Verified buyer

Competitive prices, prompt delivery
Verified buyer

Your company provide good service and cheap prices products. It is the first time to purchase a jacket with you. I had sent some questions to your customer service and they replied me very soon. ... Läs mera
Verified buyer

Excellent costumer service, fast and easy shopping experience
Verified buyer

Fast delivery, nice price
Verified buyer

Very good service
Verified buyer

Fast shipping, great product selection.
Verified buyer

Thanks for the opportunity to get this great steel kettle, already in use on our home firepowered stove. Diversification of power sources in progress.
Verified buyer

Thank you❤️
Verified buyer

All ok. Great price and no problems with delivery. Good Service
Verified buyer

Very fast shipping. Great prices.
Verified buyer

Great price fast shipping love you guys mounted ski bindings spot on thanks
Verified buyer

very satisfied with the excellent service
Verified buyer

Great service, tracking with GLS was excellent
Verified buyer

Well done
Verified buyer

Shipping from Finland to western Canada was a breeze. Not was my order processed on schedule but it arrived 3 days early. The Nordic skates are amazing.
Verified buyer

perfect product!
Verified buyer

very informative website, quality goods and good service
Verified buyer

Everything ran smoothly, thanks for shipping to the UK were Lundhags are hard to find.
Verified buyer

Very easy to deal with. My queries were answered promptly and great prices.
Verified buyer

The answer from the support service was quick, efficient and super nice, please keep rocking! BUT too much plastic wrapping in the packaging, you'd be amazing if you manage to suppress it.
Verified buyer

Very good and fast shipping to Norway. Very satisfied with the jacket. I’ll be back!!
Verified buyer

all right. It's for a gift, I hope it goes well. It's very light. the delivery was delayed a few days and it did not have an inner bag, I think a product of this type should have it.
Verified buyer

Great products, good prices and quick delivery
Verified buyer

I bought the RAISKI TAIJA QUILTED W SKIRT, great quality and I love this skirt. I would definitely recommend Scandinavian outdoor. Timely delivery service and very good parcel tracking.
Verified buyer

Fast delivery and good prices!
Verified buyer

So, I share and say keep smiling :) It's only fair after all, you made me smile shopping. Thanks!
Verified buyer