Coffee Brewers by Grower’s Cup -Instant gourmet coffee

Coffee Brewers by Grower’s Cup is an easy way to drink excellent coffee anywhere you go. All you need is hot water and few minutes. Grower’s Cup coffee is Fair trade certified in an environmental friendly packaging. The taste is so good you don’t have to make any compromises even when drinking coffee outdoors. Grower’s Cup coffee beans come from Fair trade certified coffee farms around the world and brewed in Middelfart, Denmark. Sustainability is at heart of the Grower’s Cup manufacturing; packaging is BPA free, CO2 neutral and entirely recyclable, the same way as milk cartons.

Grower's Cup
7 produkter
Colombia Fairtrade & Organic Coffee
Vegan mat
22 kr
Grower's Cup Colombia Fairtrade & Organic Coffee
Två koppar Arabica kaffe. Medelstekt, stark smak. Smakprofil: chokladmjölk, druva, jordgubb.
Honduras Fairtrade & Organic Coffee
Vegan mat
22 kr
Grower's Cup Honduras Fairtrade & Organic Coffee
Fyra typer blandkaffe från Honduras. Mellanrost och smakprofil: lätt fruktig, med chokladeftersmak.
Brazil Fairtrade & Organic Coffee
Vegan mat
22 kr
Grower's Cup Brazil Fairtrade & Organic Coffee
Fem typer blandning. Stark smakprofil, medelstekt. Mörk choklad, rostad nötter, bär.
Guatemala Fto Coffee
Vegan mat
22 kr
Grower's Cup Guatemala Fto Coffee
Caturra, Pacas, Pache och olika kaffeblandningar. Mellanrost och smakprofil: körsbär, choklad, sött.
Rwanda Organic
22 kr
Grower's Cup Rwanda Organic
Två koppar, Bourbon och Arabica kaffe. Mellanrost och smakprofil. Jasmin, karamell, jordnära.
Tanzania Fair Trade & Organic
22 kr
Grower's Cup Tanzania Fair Trade & Organic
Två koppar, Kent och Blue Mountain Typica kaffe. Mellanrost och smakprofil. Mörk choklad, bär, ananas.
Ethiopia Fto Coffee
Vegan mat
22 kr
Grower's Cup Ethiopia Fto Coffee
Två koppar Heirloom-kaffe! Mellanstekt, medium smakprofil med svart te, bergamott och citrus.