
Outdoor Action Finland’s “gliding snowshoes”, as they were called, were an immediate hit. This new super short, super wide ski was equipped with integrated skins giving them excellent grip in all conditions. Perfect for deep snow, they were a blast in downhills as well.

OAC Skinbased skis remain a smoother, more efficient alternative to snowshoes but the current lineup is much more than that: they are perfect for backcountry exploration and thanks to their compact size they are superbly easy to transport.

OAC also offers a great all-around backcountry binding, the EA. With these bindings, you can wear pretty much any winter boots with no compatibility problems. Two well-padded straps with ratchet buckles keep your skis secured to your feet.

8 produkter
EA Jr -siteet
1455 kr
OAC EA Jr -siteet
Juniorstorlek av superpopulära turskidbindningar. Inget behov av pjäxor, vanliga vinterpjäxor är kompatibla!
XCD GT 137 + EA Jr
Made in Finland
5626 kr
OAC XCD GT 137 + EA Jr
Glidande snöskor/turskidor i juniorstorlek för användare över 10 år. Bindningar ingår.
XCD GT 160 + EA 2.0 bindings 21/22
5852 kr
OAC XCD GT 160 + EA 2.0 bindings 21/22
Äkta back countryskidor med integrerade skinn och EA-bindningar.
EA Heel Guide
337 kr
OAC EA Heel Guide
Hälguide för OAC EA-bindningar.
EA 2.0 bindings
1793 kr
OAC EA 2.0 bindings
Back country bindningar som passar de flesta vinterskor.
Kar 147 22/23
Made in Finland
4273 kr
OAC Kar 147 22/23
Äkta back countryskidor med integrerade skinn.
Wap 129 22/23
Made in Finland
3822 kr
OAC Wap 129 22/23
Extremt kvicka backcountryskidor med integrerade skinn.
XCD GT 137 22/23
Made in Finland
4228 kr
OAC XCD GT 137 22/23
Glidande snöskor/turskidor i juniorstorlek för användare över 10 år.